Victor Reyes

Victor Reyes was born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. A San Francisco based artist known for his abstract patterns and letters. His work can be seen all over the bay. Some pieces vary from black and white, to fully colored murals. They are eye catching and can draw your eye from a mile away.

“At a young age, Reyes found himself impressed by the ambiguity and mise-en-scène of the Coen brothers films, connecting with the atmospheric tension onscreen. He continued to grow aware of the art around him and became inspired by his mother’s taste for the decorative prints of Aubrey Beardsly and deeply stirred by the dark revealing world in Francis Bacon’s paintings.” – ARTHIEST

Reyes is mainly known for his murals. They seem to come from a place of sincerity because they are exactly what he wants to paint. Reyes does his part and works hard to stay true to his personal art. One of his major projects includes writing the whole alphabet around San Francisco’s Mission District. He did this to expand his usual patterns and to challenge himself to do something more. Reyes has now been known for working with Louis Vuitton, Twitter, and Nike. His work can now go for thousands and thousands of dollars.



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